


Princess Japan Yamatohime showing the truth and the rationality of the Philosophy in the Mankind World

☆ 宝珠

(にょいほうじゅ チンターマニ 梵: चिन्तामणि [cintaamaNi])とは、仏教において様々な霊験を表すとされる宝の珠のこと。サンスクリット語でチンターとは「思考」、マニは「珠」を指す言葉で、「意のままに様々な願いをかなえる宝」という意味である。如意宝、如意珠、または単に宝珠(ほうじゅ、ほうしゅ)とも呼ばれる。



☆ NOTE:下記掲載の如意宝珠観音の人形の作品の画像の出典元 ☆:



FULL - President Obama Farewell Speech - Chicago (1/10/17) HD Speech fox...

2017/01/10 に公開
President Barack Obama’s Farewell Speech Farewell Address LIVE in Chicago, IL on January 10, 2017. President Barack Obama will be giving his Farewell Address Farewell Speech Farewell at Obama 9pm ET / 8pm CT .

Watch Live: President Obama Final Speech as President - President Barack Obama farewell address (1/10/2017) #ObamaFarewell

President Obama will deliver his farewell address from Chicago on Tuesday evening

Reflecting upon his time in office, the speech will likely be Obama’s final appeal to preserve his achievements as president, such as the Affordable Care Act. Obama will return to Chicago, where he began his political career, to deliver the address from McCormick Place, a convention center in the city’s downtown area.

LIVE Stream: Hillary Clinton Speech at State Department Event in Washington, DC (1/10/2017)

President-elect Donald Trump holds first press conference since election

Donald Trump Press Conference since election golden globes fox news