


Princess Japan Yamatohime showing the truth and the rationality of the Philosophy in the Mankind World

☆ 宝珠

(にょいほうじゅ チンターマニ 梵: चिन्तामणि [cintaamaNi])とは、仏教において様々な霊験を表すとされる宝の珠のこと。サンスクリット語でチンターとは「思考」、マニは「珠」を指す言葉で、「意のままに様々な願いをかなえる宝」という意味である。如意宝、如意珠、または単に宝珠(ほうじゅ、ほうしゅ)とも呼ばれる。



☆ NOTE:下記掲載の如意宝珠観音の人形の作品の画像の出典元 ☆:



Julian Assange FULL Interview 1/3/17

2017/01/03 に公開
Tonight we were presented with the one-on-one interview between and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In the first segment that Hannity showed, Assange stated that Rushua was not involved in providing WikiLeaks with the hacked emails from the DNC or John Podesta, and neither was a state party. Assange, who is confined to the Ecuadorean embassy in London due to a warrant for sexual assault in Sweden, was asked if President Barack Obama was lying when claiming Rushuaans were behind the hacks since Assange is saying Rushua wasn’t involved. “Well, he is acting like a lawyer,” he noted. “If you look at most of his statements he doesn’t say that. He doesn’t say WikiLeaks obtained its information from Rushua, worked with Rushua.” Later on, when describing why Obama had a dramatic response to Rushua via sanctions, Assange says he is “trying to delegitimize the Trump Administration as it goes into the White House.”Hannity Julian Assange FULL Interview 1/3/17. Sean Hannity gave us a preview of his revealing exclusive interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, which will air on Fox News Channel tonight at 10pm ET. Assange spoke for about 90 minutes at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he has remained for four-and-a-half years under threat of arrest. Hannity said they discussed "the state of journalism" in the United States and what was not covered by the media when it came to the contents of the hacked emails.

カテゴリ   ニュースと政治


2011/10/18 にアップロード
祝詞は ⇒ http://www.keisin.or.jp/gokitou/norit...


To the Oharai of your cleanse, it is Yi of Shufutsu (Shubatsu).

Your prayer, ritual, before the celebration, is always ceremony of this Shufutsu is celebrated.

You Sojo at the beginning the Oharai lyrics, but this is a congratulatory address that has been Sojo from the Heian period.

To everyone, you as will receive your heart cleansed gods tail exorcism, I would please pray.

「 内外詣 」 能 伊勢神宮・祝詞奏上・神楽・獅子舞

2013/08/15 に公開

内外詣(うちともうで) 能 金剛流 'Uchito-moude'/Noh

内外詣 ・・・伊勢神宮に天皇が勅使を差し遣わされる。勅使のご所望により、神官が祝詞を奏上し、御神徳を称え、臣民のあり方を教示する。そして巫女の神楽、神官が獅子舞を舞う。

勅使「光のどけき 日の本や 内外の宮に参らん」

神官・巫女「治まれる 御代の恵みも 神風や 伊勢の宮居に 出づるなり」

「げに君は船 臣は水 水よく船を浮かむなる この日の本ぞありがたき」